Eduquanta Top College & Universities
We Value Your Psersonal Information.
Privacy Policy:
The privacy policy of the company governs the manner in which Eduquanta collects, uses, and maintains the information collected from the users on our website. The details provided by you, enable us to contact you and help with your career. We don’t share your data with any third party or any organization, we only share your data with our team of counselors in a secured , technology backend ambience, data submitted by users are kept in a secure database.
Eduquanta respects the privacy of the users of the services they avail and we are committed to protect your information in all respects.
By using our website with our services you agree to our privacy policy, if you disagree with any of our privacy policy you are free to not use our website or services.
Terms & Conditions:
Read the terms and conditions carefully before accessing, using or obtaining any materials, information or services. By accessing the Eduquanta website, mobile or tablet application or any other feature, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and our Privacy Policy.
Our company uses cookies to ensure that you get the best experience on our website. We use cookies to improve the responsiveness of our website and to understand the user’s individual interests. The only personal information a cookie can contain is the information you supply, cookies never read data from your hard drive.
We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content and serve targeted advertisements.