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7 reasons to choose career in Medicine

Top 7 reasons to choose career in Medicine

World is full of options and diversity but not profession is for everyone; specifically working in medicines. It is one of very important valuable and at the same time very fragile occupation. Becoming a doctor is not at all easy and not everyone got what it takes to be a doctor. But for those who do; it is everything for them from sunrise to sunset and in between.

Let`s see why and why not everyone can be a doctor and why medicines are important. Medicines are one of the most old and respected in the world. In schools you must have learnt that doctor is god avatar for people. I always thought putting a person on that high place is exaggerating but, the respect we pay them; they are worth it. Before we begin with the reason why one should choose career in medicine. Let`s see what makes medical professionals so important.

It is a life time Commitment

Studying for medicine is not everyone cup of tea ; it is in fact the hardest commitment you need to keep up with once you have entered the field of noble profession. You have to stay on your toes in your student life throughout your career. In your student life your studies your all time priority, you can`t miss a class the studies of medicine is fascinating and at the same time let`s be honest, exhausting.

And once you have earned your degree, in your career you have to put others before yourself. Spend sleepless nights and stay away from your family and friends sometimes, and not to complain about it. All in all it is a very important and a job need you entirely kind of occupation. So if you really feel like this is your calling and it is medicines you only want to work in, then you should definitely go for it.

Top 7 reasons to choose career in Medicine

1. Lack of medical professionals in society, hence Doctors are always in demand : With the increasing population in the world medicals professionals are always in high demand. In country like India with a population of 1 billion and very less doctors; country need more doctors. It is sad to know that according to LAU India is the only country which has a huge people to doctor ratio gap. WHO prescribes 1:1000 whereas in India it is 1:1456 which demands 5, 11,713 in India.

2. Handsome income : Becoming a doctor is serious dedication and hard work and commitment for life; but when you work it is actually rewarding in terms of internal happiness and also you get impressive financial independence as we all know doctors are paid high. They start earning good once they have gain particular amount of experience over the year, it need sheer dedication and lots of patience.

3. Respect in society : Respect earned by Dr is not an overnight miracle, the struggle is real ,they earned it by their hard work during academic year, while doing internship, while practising ,they got a golden opportunity by serving to human life ,they learn and earn with their experience over the year, they earned the respect with the years of experience and patience. Apart from being paid high salary, it gives you a huge recognition in society and people respect a doctor immensely. Where ever a doctor goes he automatically becomes the centre of attention adored by all.

4. Find new cures : Medical field is vast that it is not just about curing people in clinics or operation theatres; doctor are healers because 50% they cure your disease by their words, and 50% by their treatment, a medical researcher is always working silently in order to help the world with a cure for diseases which are life threatening. Doctors are consider as warrior ,because they save million of life if there is any medical emergencies in the world. A medical researcher gains a good income and respect and recognition from all on their accomplishments and hard work.

5. Global career opportunities : Only MBBS degree holders have the opportunity to decide where they want to work. They have a broad horizon to choose any country to practice in, once they have their legal practising license and get hired as soon as they apply as we already spoke about it; doctors are always in demand.

6. Help others : We will not be lying when we say, that the doctors are the most selfless people who put others needs before them. They help everyone in need whether on duty or off. They even give up their free time in order to perform their duty which is not at all easy; but somehow it is only the doctors who got this in them to think of other first and help them all.

7. International recognition : If you are passionate about working in medical field and you want to help people. If you don`t want to work in a clinic or a hospital of one particular country then you have an option to work in research branch of medicines. So, if you want to change the course of medical field and do new things in medical technology make a discovery of something new and helpful in medicines; and if your passion drives you surely in that direction then there are high chances of gaining an international recognition. Even after your life you`ll be remembered forever.

Even after the above reason there is so much you can do in medical field and have an amazing career by helping others and live your life with pride and peace at mind. Now if you are still thinking about whether to go for MBBS or not; call us we here at Eduquanta team is there for your free counselling. We will help the best to choose after discussing with you briefly and help you choose the best college/university suits you best and easy on your pocket.

Eduquanta helps you in everything from choosing a Medical College, Medical University and we help you from your visa to tickets to pick and drop to the airport; and this is not it. We help in the guest country starting with pick up services from airport to take you to college/university settle you in conveniently; not just there we stay in your assistance throughout the studying period in the guest country you can get in touch with our representative there or call us in India and we will help you in your need. What are you waiting for , grab this golden opportunity and serve the humanity with this noble profession, world is waiting for such noble professional like you.
